2009 Town Caucus Report

Last night, 44 voters attended the 2009 town caucus at the Holland Elementary School. Candidates for a total of 18 positions were proposed to be put on the ballot for the annual town elections to be held June 8, 2009, from 10:00 hours to 20:00 hours, read more»

Posted on 15 Apr 2009, 11:57 - Category: Town Politics
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Posted on 20 Apr 2009, 8:08 by James P LaMountain
Why Earl Johnson Should not be tax assessor.
..Earl Johnson, former car salesman and Holland Selectmen dating back more than 20 years.
This man is also running for tax assessor unopposed again.

He is no different than any other man. He wants to feed himself and his family. The problem is he wants Holland to pay for it ,That's why he stole those 12 acres of land from the town by giving it to his mother in law .
He also voted himself and his family pensions. The reason he survives in office is because he plays the game very well. Too bad the losers are the taxpayers of Holland.

He has cost the town hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal expenses, and he and his sons are defendants in multiple state and federal lawsuits alleging corruption and severe violations of federal civil rights.
The town has also been named as a defendant in multiple State and Federal lawsuits because of the Johnson's illegal and immoral conduct.

Most elected small town Selectmen and Officials donate their stipend salaries to charities or back to the town. Not the Johnsons. Earl and entourage not only double and triple dip, they take health insurance for part time work and want us to pay them pensions after they get done looting our town.
Running for office is a responsibility that all citizens should take a turn at.

So the reason Earl Johnson and others hold multiple offices is they tell the state ethics committee nobody else wants to run for office.

Does anyone have a reason this man should be elected????

WRITE IN CANDIDATE TAX ASSESSOR _________________ call Peter Frei.


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