ALL RESIDENTS, Lets be part of this Community
First time ever, there will be a Holland Town Forum - Saturday May 2nd, 2015.- Complimentary Coffee and Donuts 9 am to 12 pm, at the Holland Elementary School Gymnasium. Sponsored by Government Study Committee. ALL RESIDENTS - OUR TOWN NEEDS US! Opening the lines of communication with our Town Hall regarding;- Town Hall Culture
- Town Governance
- Town Services
- Town Vision
May 26, 2015, annual Town Meeting at the Holland Elementary School at 7:00 pm.
June 8, 2015, annual Town Elections at the Community Center from 10:00 am till 8:00 pm.
Kimberly Hermanson
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Your Input is Needed;
Holland Open Space & Recreation Committee
A public meeting for all Holland residents will be held on Saturday,
October 18th from 10:00am - Noon at the Community Center located at 40 Brimfield Road. The Town of Holland
is writing an Open Space and Recreation Plan and we are looking for input from residents of the town. The last
plan was written in 2004. With a current plan Holland would be able to receive funding from the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts to purchase land for trails, recreational areas and open space.
This meeting will help identify the needs of the community and input from all residents is sought to create a comprehensive plan that addresses the kinds of open space and recreation opportunities the people of Holland would like.
Residents are also invited to fill out an online survey; to do the survey, click here!
The survey asks questions regarding the kinds of recreation people participate in, the special “sights” of Holland and what kinds of family activities people are interested in such as enjoying the lake, taking a walk, playing baseball, hunting, etc... Take the survey to help create the plan. Paper copies are available at the town hall, library and community center.
Volunteers are also needed to help write the plan. Howie Fife and Jennifer Ohop, Holland Residents are spearheading this effort.
For more information, please call Howie at 413-245-2124 or email
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Senior Workoff Program
Seniors, over 60, interested in the property tax work-off program need to apply or re-apply for jobs available after July 1. Forms are available at the Senior Center or the Selectmen's office. Click here, to read the list of the jobs available. (Those who have worked in the program before must apply again.)Comments - Edit - Delete
THE FISCAL YEAR 2012 TAX RATE IS $15.18 PER THOUSAND DOLLARS IN VALUATION. Fiscal Year 2012 tax bills will be reprinted and mailed to all taxpayers. The bills are calculated correctly, but there is a typo in the Tax Rate reported on the bills.Comments - Edit - Delete
Special Town Meeting
There will be a special town meeting January 9, 2012, at 7.00 P.M.Comments - Edit - Delete
Town hall closing over Holidays
The town hall will be closed from Thursday December 22 until January 3rd 2012 (Tuesday).Comments - Edit - Delete
Mr. Frei-Please post this urgent message:
There has recently been a series of break ins in Sturbridge and Brimfield. In Brimfield chain saws were taken from a residence on 5 Bridges Road during the day. Also in Brimfield 5 chainsaws were taken from a locked shed on the Freeman Farm. Only the good ones were taken... And this theft likely occurred at night. Other area homes have also had items stolen. The thieves seem to target snow blowers generators and chain saws, however I heard of at least one person who had expensive jewelry stolen. Please if anyone has seen anything contact the police! Keep your eyes open and report any suspicious cars in your neighborhood. Secure your belongings.... Although they travel with bolt cutters.... So it is important to be diligent and keep your eyes open. This economy is tough enough. No one wants to have to replace large ticket items. Let's catch these thieves!
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Brush Cleanup.
The Town has contracted for a company to pick up storm related debris. Storm related debris may be put on the side of the road until SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 at 4:00 pm. The schedule of pickup for any particular street is not available. Please complete your cleanup this weekend, or you will be responsible for taking the debris to the brush dump.There are job openings for monitors with the cleanup company. You may call the Days' Inn in Chicopee at 413-739-7311 and ask for O'Brien's HR office.
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The dam has been opened in anticipation of the coming storm with perhaps 10 inches of rain. It is recommended that if you have a boat in the lake, that you pull it out at this time. Beginning Thursday afternoon in accordance with the state declaration, we [town officials] are putting into effect emergency management procedures.
Read also:
Shelter, a Basic Human Need; the Flood of 2005.Comments - Edit - Delete
Relief from the Heat.
For those who need relief from the heat, the Senior Center, on Brimfield Road, will be open today, Thursday until 8:00 pm. The Senior Center will also be open 10:00 - 5:00 tomorrow, Friday.Comments - Edit - Delete
Sturbridge Road Work
Work will be beginning, the first week of July, on Sturbridge Road from Sand Hill Rd to Leno Rd. Expect detours and/or delays.Comments - Edit - Delete