And You Think You Have It Bad.
Please click on Bill to view (and read) Bill!
I thought some of the readers of the Holland Blog might enjoying seeing what their tax bill in Holland might have looked like back in 1880, (a 131 years ago), since our present tax bills were recently mailed out to us.
The tax rate was actually higher than it is now, $17.00 per thousand as opposed to our present rate of $14.58.
This is the real estate tax bill for Elisha Washington Marcy's property, he was the son of David Marcy who built the Holland Inn at the corner of Brimfield and Stafford Road in 1812. Below is familiar picture of the Inn to many of our Holland residents.

Gerry Germain
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Holland Homes and Business’s Taken and Flooded by the Government; the Flood of 1955.

Can you imagine in 2010 the government submerging your home, your business, & your way of life???
That’s what happened to a number of Holland residents after the 1955 Flood in the “Lake Siog” section of Holland.
Questions remain to this day as to why it happened here in Holland. Today’s tropical rain is a reminder of what took place after the 55 Flood, read more»
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Part II of the May 3rd, 1957 Blaze.

Gerry Germaine’s second part of his piece about the Blaze that destroyed the Holland Inn back in 1957. His piece features photographs never publishe before! Read more»
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Some Old-Timers remember the Blaze of May 3rd, 1957.

Gerald, most call him Gerry, grew up here in Holland and left the town in 1971 to pursue his career as a real estate agent. Gerry was the Vice President of Relocation and Asset Management of Better Homes and Gardens Trust of New England. In 2005 he bought the historic Hisgen Farm and returned to the place he calls home.
The Hisgen House has a rich history and carries the name of a man, Thomas Louis Hisgen, who made a run for the White House back in 1908. Gerry is an avid historian and will share some of his knowledge and rare photographs of his collection with the readers of the Holland Blog.
His first piece is about one of the biggest fires ever that attacked a historic structure in Holland when Gerry was just five years old, read more»
Peter Frei
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Series on Nipmuc Indians starting tonight on PBS
If you have an interest in local history, you can't miss the first episode in a five part series with the title: “We shall remain.” The series looks into the history of the aboriginal inhabitants, the Nipmuc's that lived here a long time before Caucasians settled. Some of the Nipmucs taking part in the series are Nipmucs living today amongst us in our community. The first episode airs tonight at 21:00 hours, read more»Comments - Edit - Delete
Five separate Schoolhouses in Holland ?
More then 100 years ago, Holland had no less than five separate schoolhouses. Public transportation was also available; no dependence on oil jeopardized our freedom and economy either. Travelers were able to board Electric Passenger cars in Brimfield after a short ride on the stage coach line to get there. Holland was a quaint little village and water troughs where spread throughout the village to water horses and other livestock, read more»Comments - Edit - Delete