Speak out Holland! (no.33)

Also, do you have any questions or suggestions? Comment about anything that is amusing you or about anything that is bothering you, but do it in a civilized manner! I will delete obvious lies and offensive comments. To read previous comments under this category, click on “Speak Out Holland” on the left of this blog under the heading “Categories.”
Peter Frei
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Posted on 10 Mar 2015, 1:54 by MortifiedGet the job done or move on!
I've had it with the Holland cemetery commission! That "BUM" collects a check for not doing his job.. Doesn't anyone ever get sick of seeing what you've paid for not get accomplished? I've been to town sevrel times to bring an elder widow to visit her late husbands grave and there has been absolutely ZERO access to the Holland Cemetery, theirs absolutely NO excuse for incompetence on the behalf of the cemetery commission. When you have a budget to do a job it needs to get done! Where does the budget for the cemetery commission go every year? And the next question is how much is left in the budget at the end of the year? All I have to say is over the last few years the up keep of the cemetery has not been handled to even satisfactory the grounds maintenance especially the lawn and weeds need be kept up with and it's not, the snow needs to be removed for access and it's also not.. So where does the money in the budget go? I also see when their is a hole to be dug the cemetery uses the highway department employees on highway department dime during the week to do some of the dirty work.. It's not the highway departments job to be doing those things, that is what the cemetery budget is for. Clearly the man in charge is incompetent and has been for some time now. It's time for a change the prick in charge is stealing right under the tax payers nose!7
Posted on 10 Mar 2015, 1:58 by Mortified
Get the job done or move on!
I've had it with the Holland cemetery commission! That "BUM" collects a check for not doing his job.. Doesn't anyone ever get sick of seeing what you've paid for not get accomplished? I've been to town sevrel times to bring an elder widow to visit her late husbands grave and there has been absolutely ZERO access to the Holland Cemetery, theirs absolutely NO excuse for incompetence on the behalf of the cemetery commission. When you have a budget to do a job it needs to get done! Where does the budget for the cemetery commission go every year? And the next question is how much is left in the budget at the end of the year? All I have to say is over the last few years the up keep of the cemetery has not been handled to even satisfactory the grounds maintenance especially the lawn and weeds need be kept up with and it's not, the snow needs to be removed for access and it's also not.. So where does the money in the budget go? I also see when their is a hole to be dug the cemetery uses the highway department employees on highway department dime during the week to do some of the dirty work.. It's not the highway departments job to be doing those things, that is what the cemetery budget is for. Clearly the man in charge is incompetent and has been for some time now. It's time for a change the prick in charge is stealing right under the tax payers nose!7
Posted on 18 Mar 2015, 10:26 by holland citizen
Upcoming Town Events
I think this website should be more active. There are a lot of events going on in Holland. This would be a good way to keep everyone informed on things occurring or upcoming Town Hall Meetings too!
Positive things for this town is much needed.
Posted on 27 Mar 2015, 22:59 by Christine Hanson
don't sign until you know both sides
A post card arrived today regarding a Recall of 2 Holland Board of Health members. Please people don't sign anything until you hear both sides of the story. Enough is enough Holland. Could our officials stop with the vendettas and put Principles before Personalities to work.
Posted on 28 Mar 2015, 12:00 by KNM
You're Right Christine! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!
Here we go again - back to the nonsense initiated by a select few. Cant wait to see the certification of the LIMITED names on the petition so voters can become aware that this is the workings of a few disgruntled persons who have a personal agenda, or something to hide, and need innocent follks to fight their battles (coverups) - by oustings two good community service personnel. How about it Mr. Kowalski? How come there's no Board of Health report in the last (2013) Anniual Town Report? Where are the records taxpayers have a right to see. You have been asked (yet fail) to produce them?
Posted on 28 Mar 2015, 12:03 by HaHa
Listen to Brian trying to retaliate against someone who is applying the law to his project.. I don't think this is about a bedroom and septic system. From what I saw at ZBA it is more like another Johnson house built in a lot created that did not meet zoning requirements. Johnson wants a rental unit on the property now and Dana is trying to make him and other town officials obey the law. This recall is how Brian retaliates. I know Dave K is a good guy and I don't understand how he got involved.
Perhaps because Dana asked for a record review for the board and Dave not turning over the flash drive has something to do with it.
Also the new executive secretary Kimberly Hanson resigned last week after Brian Johnson went into her office screaming , yelling, and threatening her. She quit out of fear after being bullied by Brian. Kimberly wrote a letter and it is published in this weeks paper that was delivered Thursday.
Brian does not like the taste of his own medicine and is trying to recall Manning because she pointed out why Johnson's project is illegal.
Posted on 28 Mar 2015, 12:08 by Ccnd
4 th bedroom
I thought he had a forth bedroom in his existing garage apartment.
Posted on 28 Mar 2015, 13:02 by Kimberly Hermanson
I don't want to do this and wouldn't if I didn't have to set the record straight. Brian Johnson did not threaten me nor was I physically afraid. I didn't resign because of Brian Johnson.He wasn't screaming.He thought I lied to him. He was upset. It was inappropriate in a work place, unfair and really hurt my feelings-for him.I resigned because I couldn't handle the dysfunction in Town Hall, never knowing about my Town before working there... I came on this blog to see what my friend Christine wrote. I rarely (maybe ten times in eight years) come on this blog. What a surprise to see my name. Let's focus on ISSUES instead of people for a huge change in this town and let's see what can happen,that hasn't for decades
Posted on 28 Mar 2015, 14:02 by HeyKim
Narrow it Down
Did this confrontation with Brian in your office happen before or after he saw you at lunch with Dana Manning?
How can u expect Holland to be all it can be if you and others like you with ethics that care refuse to work in the town offices.
Posted on 28 Mar 2015, 15:26 by Chris McCooe
Bedroom in MY Garage
Geez, I have a detached garage, I have 2 bedroom house with a 3 bedroom septic. When I wanted to make part of my garage a bunk room for the kids to sleep in when visit ... I was told "No, sorry, can't do that" ... what's right is right, what's fair is fair. Maybe I'll just put the bunk beds in there and no one will know!
Posted on 2 Jul 2015, 16:39 by Constable watcher
Service Please
What's up with all the work the constable just did.. I hear she served close to 30 people...including Kristin LaPlante...?