2014 Annual Town Election Results, Congratulations Mr. Mandell!

A total of 437 voters made the annual trip to the town hall to exercise their constitutional right to participate in forming the government of their community.
The big surprise this year is the failed attempt by incumbent chairman of the Board of Selectmen, James Wettlaufer, to keep his seat on the Board of Selectmen. Wettlaufer was defeated by a large margin by newcomer Larry Mandell, read more»
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Posted on 9 Jun 2014, 20:55 by taking outThe Trash
All that's left to do is sever Big Jim's wife from the food chain, It would be like cutting the ears off of the elephant!
Posted on 9 Jun 2014, 21:05 by Hope
Go away
Go away wettflower, just go away. We will send you the bill
Posted on 9 Jun 2014, 21:11 by My vote made a difference!
Congratulations! Way to go Larry & Dana, just
disappointed Lyn didn't win. Hope Wetlauffer realizes he
has to step down from his thrown now! He is no longer King James & this is no longer
his Kingdom as he looked at it as & he can't treat us so poorly
anymore. Enough people have had enough! Thank you to the powers
that be & saw we needed help! let's keep the good ball rolling for Holland!
Posted on 9 Jun 2014, 21:22 by Jim L...'
POOOOOF.!!! Byatch
Go Holland...This is a great start getting rid of this lying snake. But he still has a lot of appointees on town boards whose only qualifications are knowing King James.
Congrats Mr Mandell..You are Selectman now.
Well done Dana M.
Lynn Arnold it is best for the town for you to only hold 1 position.. If you can fill seats with diffrent people then the town benifits.. Well done Holland no start searching for a qualified Highway super for next time BJ comes up.. Better Yet .. recall Brian Johnson..!
Posted on 9 Jun 2014, 22:24 by mr fixit
Man In The Mirror
It looks like "The Man In The Mirror" is going to like his reflection in the morning. He got up ,got out, and cast his ballot to make a CHANGE!
Posted on 10 Jun 2014, 1:54 by Peter Frei
Thank you for voting...
Thank everybody who voted for a better Holland.
The irony is that Wettlaufer attempted to destroy me and destroyed himself in the process.
In the last seven days, Google Analytics counted 1503 hits for the Holland Blog, the total time spent reading the Holland Blog was 208 hours and 55 minutes.
Just yesterday, Google Analytics counted 831 hits!
There is still a lot to do to make Holland a better place. There are still three dishonest self serving individuals in office which need to go.
The next one on my list is Brian Johnson.
Posted on 10 Jun 2014, 5:50 by TrashMan Came
Just goes to show.. The Blog is mightier than the Hog.
Posted on 11 Jun 2014, 24:51 by Peter Frei
Yesterday, the blog had 430 hits which lasted 2:48 minutes on average. Most viewed page was
"James & Heather Wettlaufer, not true!" with 80 visits.
Posted on 9 Oct 2014, 8:16 by kt
Typical for Holland
How is it that a member of the finance board is married to head of library trustees when finance committee makes decisions on library budget? Isn't that a major conflict of interest of not illegal?