What was YOUR best Christmas Present ever?

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Goose Bumps.. What’s Up at the DA’s Office?

The Holland Blog is a local Blog and it will stay that way. What’s up with the Camel then??
And what does the DA’s office have to do with the Camel, the Holland Blog??
Forget about the scale of things and it’s just the same, read more»
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What was YOUR best Christmas Present ever?

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I recently visited Switzerland and caught-up with old friends and family.What do you do these days?, was a common question. As this blog takes up a lot of my spare time, I mentioned it as one of my activities. The next question was, why do you have a blog??
It forced me to think about it and to come up with an answer. Pondering over the reason of the Holland Blog's existence, I realized that blogs are a substitute for healthy gossip.
In the past the grapevine branched out through almost every social group and it functioned, in part, to keep politicians and people from straying too far outside of the community's rules, written and unwritten.
We lost that healthy gossip with our increasingly isolated way of living. The majority lost the connection to the community; they are no longer in the loop. Hence, our politicians can pursue their self-serving agendas and get away with their lies.

Studies show that lack of gossip puts a community at risk. “Gossip appears to be a very sophisticated, multifunctional interaction which is important in policing behaviors in a group and defining group membership,” said David Sloan Wilson, a professor of biology and anthropology at the State University of New York at Binghamton and the author of “Darwin's Cathedral,” a book on evolution and group behavior.
Today’s newspapers and some of the judges sitting on the bench these days are not of any help either.
The Holland Blog changed that in little ways by creating awareness about issues affecting everybody. There is an interest in getting the latest information; daily traffic to the Holland Blog proves it.
Be part of it, email me your story, or gossip, by leaving comments; I’m sure many out there have something to say...
Peter Frei
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Who is to blame?

William M. Bennett, District Attorney for the Hampden County, called the case of the five alleged arsonists as “outrageous,” and stated,
Bennett himself is culpable for the situation our community faces In my opinion,
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Happy New Year 2010!
The Holland Blog wishes everybody a Happy New Year. Read about the most disappointing event in 2009 and what the “Holland Blog” is hoping for in the New Year, read more»Comments - Edit - Delete
What was YOUR best Christmas Present ever?
Did you ever get a Christmas present that you still rememer to this day? Read more»Comments - Edit - Delete
Pickup truck crash went unnoticed!
It happened more than a year ago on East Brimfield Road. A light blue pickup truck lost both front wheels and ended up against a tree, read more»Comments - Edit - Delete