Open and accountable Government.

The current Board of Selectmen’s effort is pointing the other direction.
First they stopped the “call-in” session at the end of meetings, then they stopped recording meetings, and Earl Johnson tried to keep the door to the town hall looked for another day every week in an attempt to cut access to the town hall down to three days. What will be next? Read more»
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Posted on 15 Jan 2010, 5:48 by Jim LVideo
Peter..Like you I use the iPhone3gS. That way no matter where I am I can see the Holland Blog any time of day or night. As you know I can also record video files with this device. Can those files also be
e-mailed to you for inclusion on your site.?
Posted on 15 Jan 2010, 6:53 by Censored No More
Remember When????
I rememeber back when I first started blogging on the old site at Once we started posting about the corruption in our Town Hall , Earl Johnson realized the light was about to shine on his corrupt activities. He called James Boder at the newspaper screaming like a schoolgirl who lost her undies.
He threatened the newspaper with lawsuits and spun his lies to Mr Boder. Everyday it was the chore of Kevin Gleason to come in and purge the old Blog of any posts that shined the light on the Illegal activities of our officials. especially landgate. They would make it so no posts were allowed by cetain e mail addresses so we would make a new g-mail address for each post. Finally they put an ip address filter at the site in an attempt to silence us.
Hence the creation of the Holland Blog here
As I think back on the first year of this Blog I could not be more impressed by its capabilitie technologically. This format and code was written entirely by Peter Frei.
This Blog compared to the old one at is like the difference between the Wright Bros Flyer and the starship Enterprise.
Now we get to post facts with video, hyperlinks, and most of all uncensored truth. And Kevin Gleason needs a new job.
So thank you Evil Earl for censoring the old blog and forcing us to create this one. You have no control over the censorship of truth any longer. However your ill fated attemt to silence the truth from publication makes you the driving force behind the creation of this blog. So you should be proud as it is one of your finest acomplishments.
Best wishes to all the people who have contributed to the Holland Blog this past year.
Jim L
Posted on 15 Jan 2010, 7:05 by Peter Frei
Jim, yes I can convert any video into the format needed to post on the Holland Blog including videos taken with the 3GS i-phone.
Posted on 16 Jan 2010, 8:18 by America in trouble
Vote Scott Brown on Tuesday
I just went to Martha Coakly facebook and posted a comment on her wall that was moderate and true and I was immediatly Blocked.
The comment was/
Martha Coakly is unfit to serve in the senate, Her office is destroying our Colonial Huguenot Farm by denying Agricultural Exemptions to the Farmers. Production of food is a matter of national security should there ever be a catastrophic breakdown in the transportation infrastructure.
Click the links to see the story
... See More... See More
The Attorney General is ignoring the fact that we are farmers not developers. ... click the link below to see the biography and how the state ruined my life beginning in 1972.
ANyhow. Censorship of anything but pro MArtha comments happens in an instant over there. Imagine what our for fathers would say about this day and age we live in. They certainly would call it tyranny and put out a call to arms to the Patriotic Minutemen I am sure.
Timothy MacVeigh...Terrorist or Hero. ....
Posted on 16 Jan 2010, 10:11 by Peter Frei
I'm a Democrat
Jimmy, as you know I am a Democrat. However, I'm with you on this one and I will not vote for Coakley, If she gets involved in something she better knows what it is all about, otherwise she should not get involved. I will still go to the town hall and do my duty as a citizen. I will mark both names on the ballot on January 19, rendering my vote void, as I will not support Brown either.
Posted on 28 Jan 2010, 19:03 by Jim L.
A day in the life of our selectmen
Today our Selectman began their day at the town Hall with a "special meeting". They then got in the same vehicle and drove to Springfield where they spent the day trying to convince another Judge to rule we are not a farm.......THANK GOD !!!!!!!
They began by asking the new Judge The Honorable Cornelius Moriarty to ignore the ruling of the Housing Court Justice Dina Fein that ruled we are farmers engaged in agriculture.
They again tried to misdirect the Judge from the real issues which are that they can not prohibit commercial agriculture from occurring.
Ok so we were all there and I have been DYING to get a ruling from the Superior Court on this issue.
Our Selectman through our "STRONG" fire chief came right out and asked the Judge to rule we are not engaged in commercial Agriculture.
OK I am game..Lets Get er done... If We are not farmers you can all eat my hat.
But MR PETERSON was there... From what I hear he is on a mission to investigate these guys too. He is privy to all their scheming and conniving ways. He is like a white hat undercover and I think he probably has enough here to bring to the FEDS.
Well our Selectman did ride to and fro Springfield together. And They did hold a non published executive session meeting in Springfield today at the Courthouse. You can see the pictures on my facebook page.
There you are town of Holland. In the Springfield Court. With you is a Super Lawyer Tani Saperstein representing Holland... I thought Vin McCaughey was town council. Tani Saperstein also represents the Johnson's in the land-gate scandal. All this because I choose to shine the light on their dirty deals and I am not even from Holland. I have only been here 15 years. But my Children live here and I don't want them living in a cesspit.
Posted on 28 Jan 2010, 19:52 by Copy and Paste