Judge scolds Selectboard and DEP officials.

Yesterday morning, officers of the Environmental Police assisted by the State Police arrested James LaMountain.
The arrest came on the heels of another embarrassing defeat for our Board of Selectmen and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in court.
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Posted on 2 Sep 2009, 6:42 by Avid ReaderWhats Next
The Ticket issued to LaMountain says the fire is charged ubder MGL 48 section 13. I read the law and there is no permit required for fires to cook. It is a sad day in America when protected propert is invaded by gastapo storm trooper tactics at will with no resistance by the public. Sanual and John Adams , Paul Revere and George Washington would call you all a bunch of Jellyfish for allowing this kind of conduct by Public Officials to continue.
Posted on 2 Sep 2009, 7:12 by Mike LaMountain
What's next?
What's next is that the selectboard and the DEP are not going to rest untill they destroy my family and either put us in jail or run us out of town. There is noone to provide us any relief from these constant attacks. What's my crime? I wanted a place to work hard everyday? Or maybe it's cause I work hard from dawn till dusk trying to make a living on my own land (as most farmers do).
Everyones mad cause I harvested all of my trees. Are you not aware that at one point all of the trees in New England were cut down. If you walked around on my property in the 1950's you would be hard pressed to find a tree over 20 years old. All of massachusetts was cleared. Yet I'm dubbed a "Eco-terrorist".
Keep attacking us, keep arresting my father, keep denying us our RIGHTS! And may karma be your constant companion.
No Farms, No Food!
Posted on 2 Sep 2009, 7:14 by Jared
I have read the report by the environmental police on the arrest of James LaMountain at Northeast Concepts Farm on Mashapaug Road.
The report is a lie. I was not present when the pig roast fires were lit on Sunday. I was at a Birthday Party. I did not tell anyone the fires were lit by Mr James LaMountain because I do not know who lit them.
I told the Police that I caught the turkeys. The Turkeys were orphaned in the Spring when I found them and were chicks. I put them in a box with the Chickens or they would not have survived the night. I did not know that it was against the law to help them. I cared for them, I watered them, and I fed them All the animals on the property belong to Michael LaMountain and Geri Jean Twinning.
I do not know who controls the land. I Know James LaMountain controls the Earthworks on the land and sticks up for us when the town tries to stop us from farming. I have been on this farm for a few years and have never seen James LaMountain cut a single tree or light a single fire.
I sleep on the land sometimes and have had several cook fires over the years. The fire department has come by on several occasions after neighbors complained and allow us to have fires for cooking. The embers from those fires were needed to cook the two pigs in earthen ovens that we have built on the farm.
Isn't there a law against Police telling lies in their official reports? The cop stormed the land in a very abusive manner, blocking roads and made snide remarks taunting us. I am glad Mr LaMountain told him to F#ck off. Now I know why they are called pigs.
Do we want to see more times like the 1960's when pigs with clubs went around cracking heads and national guardsmen killed college students for exercising their constitutional rights. That is where this country is going. Mr LaMountain is a Patriot and a hero for sticking up for the rights given to all Americans under the Constitution.
DEP and Holland officials should fly the Swastika as their standard and not the American Flag.
I work for Michael not James LaMountain.
If you google the Massachusetts Corporate Database and search Northeast Concepts it will show that Michael LaMountain and Chad Brigham are the people in control of the land. James LaMountains name does not appear anyplace in the records of ownership. The Pigs just don't like him because he sticks up for Liberty.
Posted on 2 Sep 2009, 7:15 by Mike LaMountain
Those were my turkeys which were orphaned on the farm. I raised them from 1 day old chics and I do miss them very much. As far as I'm concerned they were stolen and murdered.
Posted on 2 Sep 2009, 7:24 by ZDOnt they have anything better to do
Look at the cops in the picture. They look fat , lazy, and out of shape. Without a badge ort a gun they would be welfare recipients.
I bet these Fat Pigs certainly ate plenty of turkeys, and anything else the public pays for.
Posted on 2 Sep 2009, 24:12 by Gobble Gobble
Ugh Ohh Jared
Looks like Jared didnt know the police report is public information!!!Should have thought before you dimed Jimbo out!!!! I agree that a couple of the selectman are shady...but the Fish Police and DEP are only doing there jobs...
Posted on 3 Sep 2009, 6:34 by Peter Frei
Blind Trust
I never talked to Jared therefore don't know him. Reading the police report and having been there on the scene I can't help it to notice inconsistencies. Whether the fires were "cooking fires" or not, there was no fire even close to the size mentioned in the police report.
I have been around the block a few times and if forced to put my money somewhere it would be Jared and not the two guys from the Environmental Police.
When I showed up on the scene, both officers asked me who I was and if I had permission of the landowner to be there, a question inappropriate to be asking as an Environmental Police officer while on private property.
Posted on 4 Sep 2009, 7:36 by Jim L
The following is a letter sent to the editor in response to their libel caused by more lies printed in their newspapers.
Gentleman... I was not arrested for logging contrary to what your sensationalized headlines said. How about this headline. DEP invades property, ignores judges order.
I wish to see a correction or this letter published. The arrest report says nothing about logging.. How do you write such mis leading stuff ? What inspires you to do so.
By the way we are not logging. We are conducting agricultural land clearing operations on our USDA protected farm # 1577. Removing the trees is but one facet of the operations. The farm also is registered with the state as northeast concepts/Huguenot Farm # 3180. The work area and pasture renewal also has a USDA tracking number 2017. The work is not in any wetland or riverfront area.
I request a correction or follow up article. Please respond to this e mail to let me know when you plan to fix the damages caused by your headlines and false statement about the LaMountain Family, The cut plan for the forestry operations that were recently completed on the land was issued to Northeast Concepts / Huguenot Farm. NOT THE LAMOUNTAIN FAMILY !!!! Type "Ma Corporate database" into your google search box. Then search Northeast Concepts inc and see who is in control of the land. The land is owned by Northeast Concepts inc.
The fires that were mentioned were not burning. They had been out for days. Both were nothing more than a pile of hot embers and coals and were for the purpose of supplying coals to our "earth ovens" to slow cook a 100 pound pig to feed the farm hands. If you look at the law they charged me under MGL chapter 48 section 13 you will learn a permit is not required to conduct open burning for the purpose of cooking. You do nothing more than spread the lies of corrupted officials when you spin things the way you did.
The " LaMountain Family" is a central Ma family of more than 50 people holding government positions, running multiple businesses, sitting on boards of financial institutions. The "LaMountain Family" employs hundreds of people with gross sales in excess of 30 million dollars a year. I will look for a correction or forward your article to the families attorney.
James P LaMountain.
Posted on 4 Oct 2009, 9:19 by Peter Frei
some stats
This post, "Judge scolds Select board and DEP officials," was the most viewed piece last month. A total of 319 visitors spent an average of 3:57 minutes reading this post. Out of the 319 visitors, 212 were unique visitors, the rest of visitors came back to read it again. This count does not include the visitors who read the comments in the root directory.
The comments to this piece were read by 369 visitors for an average of 2:59 minutes. Out of the 369 visitors, 257 were unique visitors.
The last time I checked the Southbridge Evening News had less than 30 subscribers of their paper in Holland and no interactive web-page.
The Worcester T&G is running commercials on the radio claiming to have close to 250,000 readers. Check their Blog for Holland how many comments they have. A lot of people read but not necessarily post comments. The same is true for the Holland Blog.
Posted on 4 Oct 2009, 11:01 by Resedential Resident
How can a bust about turkeys gets more views than the activities of the turkeys in our town hall. I would have thought the Gleason Bust would have had more views. No wonder they think Mr. LaMountain is so dangerous and try so hard to jail him. People look up to him.
Posted on 17 Dec 2009, 15:15 by Rocky Gets up.........
Holland Ladies in Palmer Court today
It was nice to see Linda Blodgette and Jo Anne Higgens in Court today to Bolster the case of the state in a back door attempt to put me in Jail pre trial for the turkies and legitimate burns on the farm.
They never saw me light a fire and they also do not even know who owns the land..BUT lets Jail LaMountain for it. I have been telling them all along that the land is controlled by the farm.
All I do is operate equipment and speak to those who would oppress the pursuit of agriculture and the next thing you know they are trying to put me in Jail.
I do field operations.. Such as Earth Shaping.. I do not cut down tree's. I do not drag and burn brush. I run the Irons and shoot the grades, Talk to the engineer's etc. I help with permitting and construction of our Barn. I make sure all things are done better than the Building Codes require.
I hope to put some of our Oxford Herd on that ridge under the windmills so the Farm can sell power and organic beef and other crops to my neighbors at a reduced rate.
But right now none of those animals on the farm are mine. The pigs and Chickens belong to Michael who is in charge of their care.
Anyhow there were two venerable "Ladies" in our Court today to tell the DA who the land owner was. Prepared to be called as duley sworn witnesses for the town of Holland. I don't know if Earl or Wettlaufer sent them but the ladies could only tell truth today. (Judge Ford was not on the bench.) Honorable Judge Guzman from Worcester County was seated in Palmer today. Judge Patty was in Springfield where the Judge shortage is. So they moved Judges West.
Well the Ladies were not called as witnesses (after being ignored for close to five hours,) as the truth only harms the case of the DEP and Wettlaufer.
Well DEP testified and my Attorney Mr Joseph Franco just told the Judge that although we had a Courtroom full of witnesses that we would not call them Just based on the truth. (Thats all Judge Guzman lets in her Court..) Thank you Judge Guzman it is good to see the system in action for a change. I like your common sense.
It was nice to see you ladies from Holland in Court today. Much better then Kevin Gleason.... And I know if you did take the Oath to tell the truth ..you would...
Also our Friend at the information booth in Palmer Court told me that they would be letting Kevin Gleason out of Jail soon on Early Release. I told him it was because Gleason belonged to their law enforcement brotherhood and was told " Not any More" .. Kevin we could always use another Farm Hand. I am glad they are letting him out soon. It is not Kevin that belongs in prison.. Huh Earl...
Take Care
Jim L
Jim L