Riddle (no.1)

Drugs and tattoos, are the subjects this riddle is all about.
It is obvious that some people using drugs and like tattoos make a statement about their drug of choice with a tattoo.
The most obvious would be a cannabis leaf, but some like it more discrete I learned. (I have learned a lot since I launched the Holland Blog two month ago).
I heard that some people carry a Joker tattoo as a subtle hint to reveal their drug of choice. (The Joker brand is the preferred rolling paper for cannabis users).
Here are the questions:
(1) Who is the town official that carries a joker tattoo on one of his legs?
(2) Is it a coincident that this official has allegedly smoked pot in the past?
Who ever posts the first comment with the right answer will be treated to a pizza at Enrico’s in Sturbridge at my expense!!
Town officials are not allowed to participate, that would be too easy.....
Peter Frei
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Posted on 20 Apr 2009, 20:14 by James P LaMountainI Know..OOH OOOH I Know
I will buy you lunch Mr Frei.
And there is nothing wrong with smoking a lil weed anyhow.
MARIJUANA is not a drug.. Like corn or beans or tomatoes it is a plant. It grows and you pick it dry it and use it unaltered.
Drugs on the other hand may be derived from many places. Usually they are compounds that have been chemically altered, distilled or otherwise changed.
Have you ever heard of ayone going home and beating their wife after they smoke a lil weed. Unlike alcohol people just seem to mellow out after they smoke.
The other argument the anti pot contingent uses is to say it is a gateway to hardcore drugs. I know many people who smoke a lil weed and thats it.
Nice picture. I think the joker tattoo is on the right guy and has nothing to do with weed. ....Although I am sure the Joker with the tattoo did indulge he will probablly tell you he did not inhale.
Posted on 20 Apr 2009, 20:35 by Skipper
Am I right?
(1) I would guess it is Earl Johnson...
(2) I would guess the answer is NO!
Posted on 20 Apr 2009, 20:40 by best guess
RE: Joker
Could it be that the Holland Chief of Police is the joker? Does he have a tattoo of the joker from the most popular brand of rolling paper? Yeah, bet HE's never smoked a fatty or raided the evidence locker!
Posted on 20 Apr 2009, 21:50 by Peter Frei
"best gues" is the winner!
Jimmy, I accept your invitation, thanks!
Skipper, it is not good ole Earl, Earl's choice of drug seems to be OxyContin what I learned.... which explains a lot.
by best guess, you are the winner since Jimmy did not mention Kevin P. Gleason's name. You are right, it is our Chief of Police, Kevin Gleason. I thought it would take longer, now I have to figure out another riddle....
"by best guess," email me or call me so we can arrange a time to enjoy pizza together, I look forward to meet people participating on the Holland Blog.
Posted on 21 Apr 2009, 6:49 by Pot Smoker
Quit picking on Kevin Gleason. Smoking pot makes him a police chief we all want. Why would we want a chief that is straight?
What about Wettlaufer. When he ran the bar in town did he not also indulge in smoking marijuana?
Maybe he can get a Joker tattoo also. Then he and the Chief can have his and her tattoos.
Posted on 21 Apr 2009, 7:31 by ME
oh the joker how fitting. the chief wears what he is. he is a joke period. you people are just now realizing what a complete ass he is do you want more? i am not exactically sure how many failed marriages he had but the one he was married to and had two boys from when they divorced he took all of his stuff and left something behind. he took a shit in her hope chest. this is the kind of chief you want someone who brags about this at a party with greg barseleau a rapist. you guys are wise. he hangs out with all the right people. i hope you do an audit on the station . look and see all of the bills that he has not paid and all of the debt he owes to people. where are all the new things he buys for the station? maybe at his apartment in southbridge. kevin you are going to get whatever is comming to you because karma is a bitch put the ar 15 to good use.
Posted on 21 Apr 2009, 10:29 by Peter Frei
Gleason defecated into a hope chest?
Kevin, please tell me that this is not true! Please tell me that what "by ME" claims are false accusations and that you did not take a dump into the Hope Chest of your former wife.
I start to believe that you are much worse than I assumed.... I wonder what Earl Johnson and James Wettlaufer think about this.
Posted on 28 Apr 2009, 20:03 by me again
when will it stop
oh its true every word. when will you stop this chief and the selectman with getting away with everything. holland is a wonderful town and people need a savior to get in there and clean it up. i hope someone contacts the board in order to obtain the financial records of the police department lets see where kevin is hiding the money. lets see the inventory. the town did it once before when the members of the police dive team were stealing the inventory. lets have another audit. please someone stop this monster. please leave more comments because if you like hearing the truth i will speak it and in due time when he gets it i will reveal my source but i will leave you with bits and pieces to get this man caught for all the wrong doing that he has done. kevin you may be able to hide now but one day your conscience will kill you...or maybe you will get to it first.
Posted on 9 Feb 2011, 18:16 by Peter Frei
Brent Abrahamson wrote an excellent piece on marijuana/hemp on his blog:
Henry Ford had a plan to build cars based on hemp. Ford made the following statement:
“Why use the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down,
if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the fields?”
More information on this subject you will find at: