Oops !!

Police Chief Kevin Gleason's favorit toy has a dent!
I guess it could be worse. I wonder if he was drunk again but nobody there to arrest him as back on November 23, 1999 when he rolled over his car and was arrested for OUI and speeding just yards away form his home. It happened in the middle of the night, shortly after he joined the Southbridge Police Department. No surprise that his carrier in Southbridge didn't last. You didn't know? You can't belive it? Click here to see the police citation of the arresting Police Officer and Court Documents.
Rumor has it that the Board of Selectmen took his favorite toy away from Gleason as he allegedly put on lots of miles while hardly spotted on Holland's roads. Gleason is driving the Police SUV for now.
I wonder how this happend, does somebody know? Give me a call if you do, 413 245 4660. The cruiser has since been fixed. I wonder who paid for it ....
I remember it well when Officer Hogan rolled over the Police SUV while horsing around in the woods near the Rod and Gun club on Union Road. The SUV was only three years old. This happened back on September 12, 2003. During an executive session attended by the selectboard and Chief Gleason, Hogen resigned. Officer Hogen was not reapointed in Brimfield where he served on the Police Department before. Guess who payed for the totalled police SUV...
Peter Frei
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Posted on 23 Feb 2009, 6:47 by ObserverGleason Is a Sex Addict.
You Know this man came into Holland in the middle of a divorce. The first person he caqme in contact with was Madame Kay who operated the high roller entertainment service. Her escort service was not unlike Heidi Fleiss and she provided him with a "Girl"for his entertainment.
Our police cheif then had a child with this fallen woman, and then got her a job in our town hall working next to his good friend Earl "Papa peety" Johnson.
This service of Madame Kay operated out of apartments on Coombs Street in Southbridge where our cheif was a regular visitor.
While there he was seen smokong marijuana and using cocaine.
He also had a fling with a woman named Jessica Powers a known Crack head and Jessica reported our cheif also smoked the crack.
He also spent time with a John Twinning a homosexual who reports a sexual affair with Gleason.
Gleasons profiles on Match .Com and My space show what a sexual player he truely is.
He is a liability to our town and is perfect to enforce the will of our corrupt officials.
He is a good fit for our Beast.
Demand the resignation of this criminal in our town hall
Posted on 8 Mar 2009, 19:09 by In Disbelief
Disgusted with Selectmen
Is this town crazy or what? What kind of selectmen would appoint a Police Chief with this trashy background. Don't authorities in this town have any brains or do any CORI background checks before making appointments as important as the town's Police Chief? I couldn't believe what I read so I checked match.com to verify things for myself and am shocked to say the statements made about Chief Gleason are true and disgusting!! Voters should replace the selectmen who appointed him.
Posted on 12 Mar 2009, 7:22 by Legal Eagle
Dear Disgusted
Hey Guess what...."Birds of a feather flock together" This is Johnson Muscle. Our Chief if hired to enforce Johnson Will. NOT LAW.
What does that tell you about the people who appointed him.
Gleason came from Southbridge as a disgraced rent a cop. Two years Later the Johnson Gang had him as our Chief.
Wake up Holland and smell the stench of corruption coming from our town hall.
Posted on 9 Apr 2009, 14:32 by ????
hogan was reappointed and still works there check your facts